Appraisal Group of Virginia - Information Sharing What is the purpose of the HVCC? What can I expect to change because of the HVCC? The process of ordering appraisals has changed, however. If you're a homeowner in need of an appraisal of your home, an attorney needing a property appraisal, or even if you work for a small community bank or credit union and will continue to communicate directly with appraisers, click here to order an appraisal now. If you're a mortgage loan officer or a mortgage broker who isn't allowed to order appraisals directly from an individual appraiser and are seeking an HVCC-compliant appraisal ordering system or service, I recommend using the Mercury Network for ordering HVCC-compliant appraisals. I'm already registered on Mercury Network, and it's the fastest, most compliant and effective way to order appraisals from me or any appraiser without overhauling your entire appraisal ordering process. Because I'm already a Mercury Network member, after you complete your own Mercury Network profile, you can add me to your appraiser panel, if you choose to. Mercury Network's Intelligent Selection System (ISS) enables you to order appraisals "blind", based on pre-set ordering criteria so you can be confident you're ordering appraisals with complete HVCC-compliance. You'll also appreciate Mercury Network's pre-populated status message and text box-driven communications which provide you with an audit trail for each transaction. To order using Mercury Network, click here. Where did the HVCC come from? Attorney General Cuomo then subpoenaed Fannie and Freddie in order to learn more about loans purchased from banks like WaMu and the valuation processes they used. One of the results of the investigation was the HVCC, which was agreed upon and approved by Fannie and Freddie. From May 1, 2009 forward, every loan eventually funded by Fannie and Freddie must be in compliance with the HVCC. What are the specifics of the HVCC? Only the lender or a party authorized by the lender can engage the appraiser and order an appraisal that will be backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. Mortgage brokers and real estate agents, without lender permission, are not allowed to engage appraisers or order appraisals. Also, internal loan production staff members or any other person who is compensated on a commission basis are not allowed to engage the appraiser or have any substantive communications with an appraiser. A specific exception has been made for institutions which, because of their small size or limited staff, would be unable to establish absolute lines of independence. These smaller institutions are required to clearly demonstrate that they have implemented prudent safeguards to isolate its collateral evaluation process from influence or interference from it s loan production process. All loans backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac must abide by the HVCC. The code doesn't apply to FHA and VA insured loans, or to appraisals ordered for non-lending purposes. Lenders are required to ensure that the borrower receives a copy of the appraisal report at least three days before the loan closing. The lender, not the appraiser, must provide the copy to the borrower, at no extra charge. This allows the buyer to read the report and decide whether to go forward with the purchase. You can read the full HVCC on Freddie Mac's website by clicking here: Mortgage Brokers and Appraisals
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